Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Japanese Fire Drill

The Chinese fire drill. This involves stopping at a red light and everyone running around the car and making it back in before the light turns green.

The Japanese fire drill. I experienced the Japanese fire drill last week. I have to share it because it is rather different from the fire drills we have at home. I was laughing. So - this is what happens. Their version of a fire drill goes off and an administrator goes running out of the school with a huge flag. All the students, come running as fast as they can out of the school, across the soccer field. Of course, I was told I needed to participate too, so there I am running with the other teachers as fast as we can away from the fire. I was laughing, hysterically. Just imagine a whole school running!

Following the run out, there were some speeches in Japanese that obviously I couldn't understand. Followed by a fire extinguisher demonstration whereby, students practiced. A few more speeches by the fire department and it ended. The whole ordeal took nearly an hour.

The administration asked me if it is the same in America. I answered No, and tried to explain with my limited Japanese and gestures - just what we do in America. I suppose, even though I laugh at the Japanese fire drill. They probably think our fire drills are wierd too. We walk, single filed, no talking out of a burning building. I understand the reasoning behind this is to ensure no one panics - but to walk, quietly out of a burning building does seem a bit more unreasonable than running as fast as you can, screaming fire, out of a burning building. They also thought it was strange that our students don't practice using fire extinguishers. Which, thinking about it, I agree...it is kind of stupid that our students don't receive demonstrations on how to extinguish a fire.

So, that, my friends and family, is a Japanese fire drill. Run as quickly as you can out the building. I think it's funny, but maybe it's one of those things where you have to be there.

Until then...


Unknown said...

Haha i have to say sara, i laughed out loud when i read the way you described the american fire drill... it really doesn't make any sense the way we do things, and the japanese fire drill seemed to make more sense, maybe its just way i was reading it but it was definitely funny

Anonymous said...

yea you have to steal me that flag. BTW your birthday looked insane but it was way to long to read, so I just looked at the pictures. I goto seattle and portland this weekend!

ollie said...

Good thing you've been participating in runs!