The sun was shining and I drove us back up that really steep hill. The sun revealed all the beautiful fall colors of this park. The weather was much nicer than what I had when I first came here. Additionally, my camera was working. Here are some pictures of the area. To be honest, some of these pictures are some of my favorites of what I have taken in Japan to this date.

Following the park; we went into the city to try to get my tires changed to snow tires. After an unsuccessful trip since they were too busy and it would have taken hours - I took Meghann to my favorite coffee shop in Ishinomaki. I study at this coffee shop every Monday & Tuesday. The women there understand my vegetarianism and I never have to re-explain that I can't eat meat. They always prepare my food perfectly. I love this place. Following the coffee shop visit, we went to get some food for dinner to bring to Katie's. We drove to Katie's and hung out there for the evening. Akira prepared the food we brought into a delicious Minestrone soup . He rented a Japanese comedy movie about Samurai's. It was interesting; but lately - I have become an old woman with these 40 hour work weeks and fell asleep. Katie & Akira have an adorable kitten named tsurara (means icicle in Japanese). We became lovers and it was caught on camera. I am kitty sitting in December - yay!

Sunday morning, we woke up bright and early to begin our day trip South. Saturday we had planned to go to onsen. We drove the few hours South to reach onsen land. However, prior to soaking our bodies in the mineral healing hot waters of Japan - we stopped at this fox farm. We weren't really sure what to expect and to be honest it is quite silly. Akira found it for us.

Fox Farm Link

Just another one of those random things I've done in Japan. It's not like foxes are uniquely Japanese or anything. Nonetheless, I am glad we did it. Check out the picture below of the foxes eating my feet. I had the camera held over my head trying to get this picture.

After fox fun - we finally headed to onsen. It was located in a town called Togatta near a quasi national park. Meghann, Katie & I are becoming onsen -queens. The town that it was in was quaint and cute. We found cheap fruit in this store - where a man managed a "where from?" - where I promptly responded in Japanese to him. I love these small encounters - it's really what makes this worth it. This onsen was definitely nice - we got to go outdoors where an older Japanese woman was talking to us. I don't think I understood more than a few words of what she said. However, I did understood her body language. There's nothing like a naked Japanese woman grabbing her fat and showing it to us and laughing. Haha. I love it - I absolutely love it.

After onsen, Akira picked out the perfect place to eat dinner. I don't know why - but it reminded me so much of home. It was a Japanese restaurant run by Japanese women but it just seemed so western but Japanese at the same time. I couldn't put my finger on it - the server was an older woman but she had earrings (which is rare here), a western hair style, just a whole western demeanor about her. The place was adorably country -style. It reminded me like a family run restaurant that would be placed in the middle of the Adirondacks or something. Maybe that is why I was so partial towards the restaurant. When we finished our dinners, we headed back up to Ishinomaki to end our weekend. A lovely, little day trip.
The week begins
Another week starts. This week I am trying to live out my new philosophy. I am trying to look at my life in Japan as I did when I first got here. I went into work on Monday - informed that I will be teaching two nineth grade classes by myself with no time to prepare. I quickly throw together some crossword puzzles and other English games. I actually really enjoyed it. I just basically gave them busy work but at the same time - increases their English skills. I practiced my Japanese with the students. I found out my favorite punk kid is a big karate guy. In Japan, they have to choose a high school - how students in America choose a college. Most students stick around their area - and still live at home. Here - I thought this kid was just a punk - just going where the wind blows him and it turns out he has some really cool plans. He is headed two prefectures South of where we are to go to a high school that is special for Karate. I am super impressed! He cut his hair and I asked him why - it's for an interview to get into the school. Good for him. I'm going to miss him in April when they move onto High School. I enjoyed my relaxed day with the nineth graders - certainly my favorite students.
My devil classes that I had with Mitsue were okay. I had one class that did decently - and the other one that was just as bad as ever. But, I'm not taking it personal anymore. I don't care. Mitsue and I are at a mutual understanding and it's all good. I had to leave right away after my 4th class to go to a meeting in Ishinomaki for all Western English teachers in my area. It was nice to get away for the afternoon. After the meeting - Katie, Meghann and I went to an onsen in the city - chatted away for an hour or what not. I then went to my coffee shop to study.
Tuesday brought a similiar day to me as Monday. I was informed I'd be teaching 3 nineth grade classes today by myself. Again - with no preparation. I threw together an "interview bingo" game which is practicing their speaking skills. Worked okay. After that, gave them a word mine. Only had one class with Mitsue - and it went okay. I also had one class with my special ed students at this school. I was pooped by this time and had little energy left in me.
One of my favorite professors from Plattsburgh used to always say to us:
"Proper planning prevents poor performance"
I am taking his famous quote and applying it to my life. Here on out - I am going to have heaps of games stored into my desk - because I keep getting thrown into classes to teach that I shouldn't be - therefore, leaving me with no materials to teach.
Last night I studied more and got my tires changed finally. Preparing for the snowfall I will be getting here. Only to present another challenge of driving MANUAL in the snow - since they don't plow their roads. Wish me luck.
Before I graduated from college - I received the "I think I'm turning Japanese" award at my RA banquet. Recently, a great RA friend of mine - sent me a birthday present - including this song. I think it deserves to be posted up here. "I think I'm turning Japanese" by the Vapors:
No sex, no drugs, no wine, no men
No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger
That's why I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
More Pictures from my Weekend
No fun, no sin, no you, no wonder it's dark
Everyone around me is a total stranger
Everyone avoids me like a cyclone ranger
That's why I'm turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
Turning Japanese
I think I'm turning Japanese
I really think so
More Pictures from my Weekend
1 comment:
I sure hope they are not having those fox farms to eventually turn those foxes into coats......
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