I now live in an apartment building where 4 other teachers live as well. I have daily social interaction in English again. I have an escape when I have bad days at work. I have people to eat dinner with, people to watch movies and TV with, people to laugh with daily. It's amazing and I love it.
It's still too soon to determine if the school switch will be better or not. So far, it seems my students are way better than my bad school last year. Granted, there is still the isolation at work that I don't feel like hurdling over this year. I have accepted the me as the foreigner and "them" as the Japanese teachers ideology that is seen working here. Certainly, if I put forth the effort, I could create small relationships, but to be honest, I don't have the energy or will power to do that this year. I'm content with doing my work and spending my free time reading or writing. I still am enjoying every minute of elementary schools.
I've given up a big house for a one room apartment with an attached kitchen, toilet and shower room. The picture below displays the building I live in. It's the big white one you can see in the distance. I'll show close ups later!

I don't regret or wish my first year living situation could have been different. I've accepted it as one year of my life that I constantly stood up after being knocked down incessantly. I've come to grips with the fact that I am a social person. I tried to live the non-social life and I was unhappy. That's okay - that's me, this is who I am - I am person who loves to be around other people. If I hadn't lived in Monou for a year, my Japanese would never be where it is now. I wouldn't have challenged myself in the hardest way possible until my 23rd year of life. I think I am capable of trying to find happiness in any situation. As someone who has left said to me recently, "not only did I experience my all-time most depressive lows, I also experience my all time - euphoric highs." I think she put it best when she said that when speaking of living in the middle of nowhere Japan. I'm proud of my one year. It was tough, but I did it. I recognized I needed change in my life and I took a risk and went for it. It's working out for the best so far.
Pretty soon I'll blog more about what I have actually been doing since living in my new city. I haven't been traveling every weekend like I was last year, but I have still been remaining involved in the community and those around me. I'm pretty sure this will be my last year in Japan, as there is someone back home I want to be back with and the feeling is mutual between us. So, I'm going to live out my remaining 10 months with as much positive energy as my body can breathe. Then, hopefully get a job back in Plattsburgh for a year as an International Student Service Intern. A stepping stone to becoming a study abroad coordinator or something along those lines.
Congratulations to you Sara. You've learned more about yourself in the short year than most adults have learned in lifetimes. It will make the rest of your life much more content to know who you are and what you want. And along the way got to see another country and another culture. Enjoy this last year. It will fly by!
Aww sara I'm soo happy that you're in a new place that you love!! Its always nice to have people around you i miss you dearly!! LOVe you!!
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